What could happen if we change who writes the first cheque into a startup?
Hi Jax, I just read about AirTree's Explorer program in the AFR - sounds fantastic. Given that applications have closed, is there a way to register to 'stay in touch' or similar, to hear more about this or other programs in the future? Thanks, Leah
Hi Leah - thanks so much for getting in touch! Join the AirTree mailing list and you'll hear when we launch the next cohort!
Hi Jax, I just read about AirTree's Explorer program in the AFR - sounds fantastic. Given that applications have closed, is there a way to register to 'stay in touch' or similar, to hear more about this or other programs in the future? Thanks, Leah
Hi Leah - thanks so much for getting in touch! Join the AirTree mailing list and you'll hear when we launch the next cohort!